The construction of my survival kit was a very appropriate and interesting task. As my life at the moment is really reshaping itself. Many things that have supported me have left – my mum died 2 years ago, my husband died last April, and the family home, a place that I have loved, my paradise, has been sold. So, a new life is starting for me. I am in a transitional state. The grief is accompanied by a feeling of freedom and an excitement for the new things that are emerging – the course, a new pied-a-terre in Switzerland……

So, when I was told that we had to do a summer project, which had to be a survival kit, it encouraged me to think about what will support me during this time of transition. I chose to make a hat that carries objects and thoughts, messages to myself, and symbols of hope and friendship.

My map (another summer task) is a mind map to plan the survival kit. It is constructed in 5 areas: physical, emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, and the basic structure of the hat is that, too, although you can hardly see it. The felt hat with these lovely spiky bits was discovered amongst the family heir loom!!!! it got a new life!!!

The emotional and psychological needs were the most difficult to express with an object. instead I wrote messages to myself. I did consider adding the ‘letter to myself’ written at the mindfulness course, but rejected it because it was too big.

The trip to the Eden Project was wonderful. An opportunity to get to know a few fellow students and the tutors. I loved it.

My survival kit – a hat
  • socks
  • plaster
  • pen & paper
  • painting brush
  • toothbrush
  • scissors
  • safety pin
  • needle & thread
  • matches
  • handkerchief
  • pocket knife
  • blue flower signifying hope
  • reminders of where I come from (badge for Fasnachtsmuseum, Basel flag, B&W ribbon)
  • gifts from friends: paper flower, quilted X-mas decoration
  • messages to myself: ‘ask for help’, ‘breathe’, ‘be yourself’, ‘be angry’